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aiyao 发表于 2016-9-26 09:47:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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GMP News

Danish Manufacturer receives a so-called Untitled Letter from the FDA due to Deviations from GMP


A Danish pharmaceutical manufacturer of antiallergic products has received a so-called "Untitled Letter" from the FDA after an inspection at his production site in March 2016. The letter was issued because of deviations from diverse GMP rules. Unlike a Warning Letter, an Untitled Letter is issued by the FDA when there is no immediate danger for patients' health if the deviations observed are not corrected immediately. The FDA therefore uses such letters for less serious GMP deviations. By contrast with a Warning Letter, an Untitled Letter contains no statement warning the manufacturer that failure to promptly correct a violation may result in an enforcement action.


A Form 483 preceded the present Untitled Letter. This form contained all the inspection observations which - for the FDA - haven't been sufficiently reacted to. But also repeated deviations which had already been identified during an inspection in 2014 in the USA have been admonished.


In detail, the violations are: 具体来说违规情况有:

Deviations in aseptic manufacturing due to inappropriate measures to prevent microbiological contamination


  • The WFI system has not been properly tested for TOC and endotoxins at the points of use.
  • WFI系统使用点没有适当测试TOC和内毒素
  • There is no procedure in place to specify how to handle exceedings of microbiological limits.
  • 没有程序说明如何处理微生物超限
  • Environmental isolates are not used for growth promotion studies of media used in media fill simulations
  • 用于培养机灌装模拟的培养基促生产试验未使用环境隔离器
  • No CAPA measures taken after 80 exceedings of microbiological limits (within 2 years).
  • 在2年中有80起微生物超限,但没有采取CAPA措施

Insufficient calibration and inspection/maintenance of automatic, mechanical or electronic equipment


  • Missing re-qualification of a lyophilizer (since 2000)
  • 冻干机没有进行再确认(自2000年以来)
  • Abortion of a batch due to the leaking of the lyophilizer
  • 冻干机泄漏,导致一批生产中断
  • No maintenance measures taken after malfunctions of the filling machine (e.g. overfilling, empty vials, missing stoppers)
  • 在灌装机发生故障后没有采取维护措施(例如,溢出、空瓶、无塞)

Failure in the stability programme 稳定性试验失败

  • There is no procedure in place to describe when and where samples have to be selected for stability testing of the product.
  • 没有程序说明什么时间在哪儿选择样品进行产品稳定性测试
  • Since 2014, around 125 stability samples of the drug product and the drug substance haven't been tested at the required time points.
  • 自2014年以来,约有125个制剂和原料药稳定性试验样品都没有按照要求的时间点进行检测

Furthermore, the FDA states that the response of the manufacturer to the Form 483 was insufficient. The FDA criticises that the responses to too many deviations was only that the procedures will be updated and training will be improved. For the FDA, there is a need for further discussion.


Please also see the detailed FDA Untitled Letter to the Danish manufacturer of antiallergic products.




If a person or firm violates the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), FDA may give them an opportunity to take voluntary and prompt action to correct the violation before FDA initiates an enforcement action.  FDA will issue either a Warning Letter or an Untitled Letter, depending upon the nature of the violation.


FDA uses Warning Letters for violations that may lead to enforcement action if they are not promptly and adequately corrected.  FDA uses Untitled Letters for violations that are not as significant as those that trigger warning letters.  Unlike a Warning Letter, an Untitled Letter does not include a statement warning that failure to promptly correct a violation may result in an enforcement action.


See: FDA Warning Letters

Previously, only some Centers posted Untitled Letters on FDA’s website.  As a result of the Agency’s Transparency Initiative, the Centers are working to disclose more Untitled Letters on FDA’s website.  The Agency believes that posting additional Untitled Letters may increase public accountability of firms, which may deter future violations and increase compliance with the law.  However, due to limited resources, the Agency is not able to post all Untitled Letters at this time.


Interested parties may access the available Untitled Letters and similar correspondence below.


来源:GMP News


Danish Manufacturer receives a so-called Untitled Letter from the FDA due to Deviations from GMP


A Danish pharmaceutical manufacturer of antiallergic products has received a so-called "Untitled Letter" from the FDA after an inspection at his production site in March 2016. The letter was issued because of deviations from diverse GMP rules. Unlike a Warning Letter, an Untitled Letter is issued by the FDA when there is no immediate danger for patients' health if the deviations observed are not corrected immediately. The FDA therefore uses such letters for less serious GMP deviations. By contrast with a Warning Letter, an Untitled Letter contains no statement warning the manufacturer that failure to promptly correct a violation may result in an enforcement action.


A Form 483 preceded the present Untitled Letter. This form contained all the inspection observations which - for the FDA - haven't been sufficiently reacted to. But also repeated deviations which had already been identified during an inspection in 2014 in the USA have been admonished.


In detail, the violations are: 具体来说违规情况有:

Deviations in aseptic manufacturing due to inappropriate measures to prevent microbiological contamination


  • The WFI system has not been properly tested for TOC and endotoxins at the points of use.
  • WFI系统使用点没有适当测试TOC和内毒素
  • There is no procedure in place to specify how to handle exceedings of microbiological limits.
  • 没有程序说明如何处理微生物超限
  • Environmental isolates are not used for growth promotion studies of media used in media fill simulations
  • 用于培养机灌装模拟的培养基促生产试验未使用环境隔离器
  • No CAPA measures taken after 80 exceedings of microbiological limits (within 2 years).
  • 在2年中有80起微生物超限,但没有采取CAPA措施

Insufficient calibration and inspection/maintenance of automatic, mechanical or electronic equipment


  • Missing re-qualification of a lyophilizer (since 2000)
  • 冻干机没有进行再确认(自2000年以来)
  • Abortion of a batch due to the leaking of the lyophilizer
  • 冻干机泄漏,导致一批生产中断
  • No maintenance measures taken after malfunctions of the filling machine (e.g. overfilling, empty vials, missing stoppers)
  • 在灌装机发生故障后没有采取维护措施(例如,溢出、空瓶、无塞)

Failure in the stability programme 稳定性试验失败

  • There is no procedure in place to describe when and where samples have to be selected for stability testing of the product.
  • 没有程序说明什么时间在哪儿选择样品进行产品稳定性测试
  • Since 2014, around 125 stability samples of the drug product and the drug substance haven't been tested at the required time points.
  • 自2014年以来,约有125个制剂和原料药稳定性试验样品都没有按照要求的时间点进行检测

Furthermore, the FDA states that the response of the manufacturer to the Form 483 was insufficient. The FDA criticises that the responses to too many deviations was only that the procedures will be updated and training will be improved. For the FDA, there is a need for further discussion.


Please also see the detailed FDA Untitled Letter to the Danish manufacturer of antiallergic products.




If a person or firm violates the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), FDA may give them an opportunity to take voluntary and prompt action to correct the violation before FDA initiates an enforcement action.  FDA will issue either a Warning Letter or an Untitled Letter, depending upon the nature of the violation.


FDA uses Warning Letters for violations that may lead to enforcement action if they are not promptly and adequately corrected.  FDA uses Untitled Letters for violations that are not as significant as those that trigger warning letters.  Unlike a Warning Letter, an Untitled Letter does not include a statement warning that failure to promptly correct a violation may result in an enforcement action.


See: FDA Warning Letters

Previously, only some Centers posted Untitled Letters on FDA’s website.  As a result of the Agency’s Transparency Initiative, the Centers are working to disclose more Untitled Letters on FDA’s website.  The Agency believes that posting additional Untitled Letters may increase public accountability of firms, which may deter future violations and increase compliance with the law.  However, due to limited resources, the Agency is not able to post all Untitled Letters at this time.


Interested parties may access the available Untitled Letters and similar correspondence below.




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