
标题: 艾滋病疫苗研发公司Immunity Project受到科学家批评 [打印本页]

作者: 北京-丹丹    时间: 2014-2-17 08:49 PM
标题: 艾滋病疫苗研发公司Immunity Project受到科学家批评
艾滋病疫苗研发公司Immunity Project受到科学家批评
[size=1.1em]作者:[size=1.1em]yangtao[size=1.1em]来源:[size=1.1em]生物谷2014-2-17  关键词: Immunity Project 艾滋病


2014年2月17日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --过去几个月,艾滋病疫苗研发公司Immunity Project获得了来自科技风投公司Y Combinator的投资而受到外界的广泛关注。然而一些科学家并不认为其前景乐观。一方面有些科学家认为Immunity Project公司缺乏在艾滋病研究领域的经验和技术积累;另一方面Immunity Project公司仅仅向公众宣传一些基本的艾滋病疫苗信息,但从未向外界公布其具体的研究数据。来自Oregon Health & Science University 的免疫学家Louis Picker甚至认为Immunity Project公司兜售的概念实际上早已经存在甚至是被证明不成立的。

一直以来,科学技术公司都面临着一个问题,那就是既要拿出足够的实验数据取信于人,又要采用合适的宣传手段为大众所熟知以获得足够的投资。Immunity Project公司很成功的做到了第二点,但究竟最终结果如何,我们只能拭目以待。(生物谷Bioon.com)


Crowdfunded HIV vaccine developer Immunity Project has gained traction over the past few months, with technology incubator Y Combinator's investment in the initiative sparking mainstream media coverage. The investment raised Immunity Project's profile, but this has brought increased scrutiny of its plans. Not everyone likes what they see.

This week Nature took a look at why Immunity Project has drawn criticism from some in the HIV vaccine research and blogging community. Critics of the initiative highlight the lack of HIV or vaccine experience among the Immunity Project team and a perceived focus on inspiring the public instead of presenting data showing the vaccine works. Immunity Project reports it has submitted animal study work to a peer-reviewed journal, but for now videos created by the nonprofit are a primary source of information for anyone considering investing in the vaccine.

For some people, concerns about the balance between marketing and scientific data are exacerbated by their lack of faith in the science underpinning Immunity Project's vaccine. "They're preying on people who are desperate for a vaccine. The concept they're selling is an old concept that has been shown not to work, and can't work," Oregon Health & Science University immunologist Louis Picker told Nature. Immunity Project is using an algorithm to identify how some people naturally fight HIV. This will form the basis of a vaccine designed to train T-cells to attack HIV-infected cells.

Convincing the public to invest in science requires a different approach from traditional fundraising requests. While successful crowdfunding campaigns are about selling a vision, science tries to be based more on data than emotion. Immunity Project has clearly succeeded in capturing people's attention. Ultimately, though, its success will be judged by the clinical data, and this has a habit of bursting bubbles. "I hope that they don't discourage people if there is not a licensed vaccine at the end of the day," Mitchell Warren, of HIV prevention advocacy group AVAC, said.


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