
标题: USP39通则目录 [打印本页]

作者: aiyao    时间: 2018-1-13 10:08 PM
标题: USP39通则目录
          查新日期:  2016 年 10 月 18 日
号        目录内容(中英文对照)
1        General Requirements for Tests and Assays检查与含量分析的一般要求
2        <1>Injecti**注射剂
3        <2>Oral Drug Products-Product Quality Tests口服药物产品—产品质量测试
4        <3>Topical and Transdermal Drug Product Quality Tests局部和透皮药物产品—产品质量测试
5        <4>Mucosal Drug Products-Product Quality Tests粘膜药物产品-产品质量测试
6        <5>Inhalation and Nasal Drug Products-General Information and Product Quality Tests
7        <7>Labeling标签
8        <11>USP reference StandardsUSP标准品
9        Apparatus for Tests and Assays用于检查和含量分析的器具
10        <17>Prescription Container Labeling处方容器标签
11        <21>Thermometers温度计
12        <31>Volumetric Apparatus容量器具
13        <41>Balance天平
14        Microbiological Tests微生物检查法
15        <51>Antimicrobial Effectiveness Tests抗菌剂有效性检查法
16        <55>Biological Indicators-Resistance Performance Tests生物指示剂—耐药性实验
17        <61>Microbiological Examination of N**terile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests
18        <62>Microbiological Examination of N**terile Products: Tests for Specified Microorganisms
19        <63>Mycoplasma Tests支原体检查法
20        <71>Sterility Tests无菌检查法
21        Biological Tests and Assays生物检查法和含量分析
22        <81>Antibiotics-Microbial Assays抗生素—微生物测定
23        <85>Bacterial Endotoxins Test细菌内毒素检查法
24        <87>Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vitro体外的生物反应性检查法
25        <88>Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo体内的生物反应性检查法
26        <89>Enzymes Used as Ancillary Materials in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
27        <90>Fetal Bovine Serum-Quality Attributes and Functionality Tests
28        <91>Calcium Pantothenate Tests泛酸钙测定法
29        <92>Growth Factors and Cytokines Used in Cell Therapy Manufacturing
30        <111>Design and Analysis of Biological Assays生物测定法的设计和分析
31        <115>Dexpanthenol Assay右泛醇(拟胆碱药)测定法
32        <121>Insulin Assays胰岛素测定法
33        <121.1>Physicochemical Analytical Procedures for Insulins胰岛素的物理化学分析程序
34        <123>Glucagon Bioidentity Tests高血糖素的生物鉴别检查法
35        <124>Erythropoietin Bioassays红细胞生产素的微生物测定
36        <126>Somatropin Bioidentity Tests生长激素的生物鉴别检查法
37        <129>Analytical Procedures for Recombinant Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies
38        <130>Protein A Quality Attributes蛋白质A的质量特征
39        <151>Pyrogen Test热原检查法
40        <161> Medical Devices-Bacterial Endoxoxin and Pyrogen Tests
41        <162>Diphtheria Antitoxin Potency Testing for Human Immune Globulins
42        <171>Vi**in B12 Activity Assay维生素B12活性测定法
43        Chemical Tests and Assays化学实验检查和测定法
44        Identification Tests鉴别检查
45        <181>Identification-Organic Nitrogenous Bases鉴别——有机氮碳化合物
46        <191>Identification Tests-General鉴别实验—通用
47        <193>Identification-Tetracylines鉴别—四环素类
48        <197>Spectrophotometric Identification Tests分光光度计鉴别实验
49        <201>Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test薄层色谱鉴别实验
50        <202>Identification of Fixed Oils By Thin-Layer Chromatography
51        <203>High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Procedure for Identification of Articles of Botanical Origin
52        Limit Test限度检查法
53        <206>Aluminum铝
54        <207>Test for 1,6-Anhydro Derivative for Enoxaparin Sodium
55        <208>Anti-Factor Xa and Anti-Factor lla Assays for Unfractionated and Low Molecular Weight Heparins对普通肝素和低分子肝素进行抗Xa因素和抗lla因素实验
56        <209>Low Molecular Weight Heparins Molecular Weight Determinati**
57        <211>Arsenic砷
58        <212>Oligosaccharide and Sulfate寡糖和硫酸盐
59        <221>Chloride and Sulfate 氯化物和硫化物
60        <223>Dimethylaniline二甲苯胺
61        <226>4-Epianhydrotetracycline4-脱水差向四环素
62        <227>4-Aminophenol in Ace**inophen-Containing Drug Products
63        <228>Ethylene Oxide and Dioxane环氧乙烷和二氧六环
64        <231>Heavy Metals重金属
65        <232>Elemental Impurities-Limits元素杂质-限度
66        <233>Elemental Impurities-Procedures元素杂质-测定法
67        <241>Iron铁
68        <251>Lead铅
69        <261>Mercury汞
70        <267>Porosimetry by Mercury Intrusion  孔隙度测量法
71        <268>Porosity by Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption
72        <271>Readily Carbonizable Substances Test易碳化物检查法
73        <281>Residue on Ignition炽灼残渣
74        <291>Selenium硒
75        Other Tests and Assays其他检查法和测定法
76        <301>Acid-Neutralizing Capacity酸中和容量
77        <311>Alginates Assay藻酸盐测定法
78        <341>Antimicrobial Agents-Content抗菌剂—含量
79        <345>Assay for Acid/Citrate and Phosphate柠檬酸/柠檬酸盐和磷酸盐的测定
80        <351>Assay for Steroids类固醇(甾类化合物)测定法
81        <371>Cobalamin Radiotracer Assay钴胺素放射性跟踪剂检查法
82        <381>Elastomeric Closures for Injecti**注射剂的弹性密封件
83        <391>Epinephrine Assay肾上腺素测定法
84        <401>Fats and Fixed Oils脂肪与混合油
85        <411>Folic Acid Assay叶酸测定法
86        <413>Impurities Testing in Medical Gases医用气体杂质检查
87        <415>Medical Gases Assay医用气体含量检查
88        <425>Iodometric Assay-Antibiotics碘量检查法-抗生素
89        <429>Light Diffraction Measurement of Particle Size粒径的光衍射测量法
90        <431>Methoxy Determination
91        <441>Niacin or Niacinamide Assay
92        <451>Nitrite Titration亚硝酸盐测定
93        <461>Nitrogen Determination氮测定法
94        <466>Ordinary Impurities一般杂质
95        <467>Residual Solvents残留溶剂
96        <469>Ethylene Glycol, Diethylene Glycol, and Triethylene Glycol in Ethoxylated Substances乙氧基物质中乙二醇、二甘醇、三甘醇测定
97        <471>Oxygen Flask Combustion氧瓶燃烧法
98        <481>Riboflavin Assay核黄素(微生物B2)测定法
99        <501>Salts of Organic Nitrogenous Bases有机氮盐
100        <503>Acetic Acid in Peptides多肽类中乙酸测定
101        <503.1>Trifluoroacetic Acid(TFA) in Peptides        多肽中的三氟乙酸(TFA)测定
102        <511>Singles-Steroid Assay单一的类固醇测定法
103        <525>Sulfur Dioxide
104        <531>Thiamine Assay
105        <541>Titrimetry
106        <551>Vi**in E Assay维生素E测定法
107        <561>Articles of Botanical Origin植物起源药品
108        <563>Identification of Articles of Botanical Origin植物药品的鉴别
109        <565>Botanical Extracts 植物提取
110        <571>Vi**in A Assay维生素A测定法
111        <580> Vi**in C Assay维生素C测定法
112        <581>Vi**in D Assay维生素D测定法
113        <591>Zinc Determination锌的测定法
114        Physical Tests and Determinati**物理检查与测定法
115        <601>Inhalation and Nasal Drug Products: Aerosols, Sprays, and Powders-Performance Quality Tests吸入剂、鼻雾剂:气溶胶、喷雾,干粉-质量通则
116        <602>Propellants推进剂
117        <603>Topical Aerosols局部喷雾剂
118        <604>Leak Rate渗漏率
119        <610>Alternative Microbiological Sampling Methods for N**terile Inhaled and Nasal Products 非无菌吸入和鼻雾剂可供选择的微生物取样方法
120        <611>Alcohol Determination乙醇测定法
121        <616>Bulk Density and Tapped Density of Powders粉剂的堆密度与振实密度
122        <621>Chromatography色谱法
123        <631>Color and Achromicity呈色与消色
124        <641>Completeness of Solution溶解度
125        <643> Total Organic Carbon总有机碳
126        <645>Water Conductivity水电导率
127        <651>Congealing Temperature凝点温度
128        <659>Packaging and Storage Requirements包装和储藏要求
129        <660>Containers-Glass容器-玻璃
130        <661>Plastic Packaging Systems and Their Materials of C**truction
131        <661.1>Plastic Materials of C**truction塑料材质的结构
132        <661.2>Plastic Packaging Systems and for Pharmaceutical Use
133        <670>Auxiliary Packaging Components辅助包装部件
134        <671>Containers-Performance Testing容器——性能测试
135        <691>Cotton棉花
136        <695>Crystallinity结晶度
137        <696>Characterization of Crystalline Solids by Microcalorimetry and Solution Calorimetry通过溶液量热学测定结晶性
138        <697>Container Content for Injecti** 注射剂容器体积
139        <698>Deliverable Volume抽取体积
140        <699>Density of Solids固体密度
141        <701>Disintegration崩解时限
142        <705>Quality Attributes of Tablets Labeled as Having a Functional Score
143        <711>Dissolution溶出度
144        <721>Distilling Range蒸馏范围
145        <724>Drug Release药物释放度
146        <729>Globule Size Distribution in Lipid Injectable Emulsi**脂类可注射的乳剂的粒径分布
147        <730>Plasma Spectrometry等离子体光谱学
148        <731>Loss on Drying干燥失重
149        <733>Loss on Ignition炽灼失重
150        <735>X-Ray Fluorescene Spectrometry X射线光谱
151        <736>Mass Spectrometry质谱
152        <741>Melting Range or Temperature熔距与熔点
153        <751>Metal Particles in Ophthalmic Ointments眼用软膏中的金属粒子
154        <755>Minimum fill最低装量
155        <761>Nuclear Magnetic Resonance核磁共振
156        <771>Ophthalmic Products-Quality Tests眼科产品质量实验
157        <776>Optical Microscopy光学显微镜
158        <781>Optical Rotation旋光度
159        <785>Osmolality and Osmolarity渗透压
160        <786>Particles Size Distribution Estimation by Analytical Sieving筛分法估算粒径分布
161        <787>Subvisible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Protein Injecti**
162        <788>Particulate Matter in Injecti**注射剂中的不溶性微粒
163        <789>Particulate Matter In Ophthalmic Soluti**眼用溶剂中的不溶性微粒
164        <790>Visible Particulates in Injecti**注射剂中的可见微粒
165        <791>pH
166        <795>Pharmaceutical Compounding-N**terile Preparati**药物混合—非无菌制剂
167        <797>Pharmaceutical Compounding-Sterile Preparati**药物混合—无菌制剂
168        <801>Polarography极谱法
169        <811> Powder Fineness粉剂细度
170        <821> Radioactivity放射性
171        <823> Positron Emission Tomography Drugs for Compounding, Investigational, and Research Uses  用于正电子发射断层造影术的放射性药物
172        <831>Refractive Index折光率
173        <841>Specific Gravity比重
174        <846>Specific Surface Area比表面积
175        <851>Spectrophotometry and Light-Scattering分光光度计与光散射
176        <852>Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy原子吸收光谱法
177        <853>Fluorescence Spectroscopy 荧光光谱法
178        <854>Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy中红外光谱法
179        <855>Nephelometry, Turbidimetry, and Visual Comparison比浊法、浊度发和目视比较法
180        <857>Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy紫外可见光谱法
181        <861>Sutures-Diameter缝线—直径
182        <871>Sutures-Needle Attachment缝线—穿孔实验
183        <881>Tensile Strength张力
184        <891>Thermal Analysis热分析
185        <905>Uniformity of Dosage Units制剂单位的含量均匀度
186        <911>Viscosity-Capillary Methods黏度—
187        <912>Viscosity-Rotational Methods黏度-旋转法
188        <913>Viscosity-Rolling Ball Methods黏度-滚球法
189        <914>Viscosity-Pressure Driven Methods黏度-压力驱动法
190        <921>Water Determination水分测定
191        <941>Characterization of Crystalline and Partially Crystalline Solids by X-Ray Powder Diffraction(XRPD)固体通过X射线粉末衍射的结晶性和部分结晶性特征描述
192        General information通用信息
193        <1005>Acoustic Emission声频发声检测器
194        <1010>Analytical Data-Interpretation and Treatment分析数据——解释与处理
195        <1015>Automated Radiochemical Synthesis Apparatus放射性自动合成装置
196        <1024>Bovine Serum牛血清蛋白
197        <1025>Pancreatin
198        <1027>Flow Cytometry
199        <1030>Biological Assay Chapters-Overview and Glossary生物测定章节-综述和术语
200        <1031>The Biocompatibility of Materials Used in Drug Containers of Devices , and Implants用于药物容器、医疗设施和植入剂的材料的生物相溶容性
201        <1032>Design and Development of Biological Assays生物测定的设计与开发
202        <1033>Biological Assay Validation生物测定的验证
203        <1034>Analytical of Biological Assays生物测定的分析
204        <1035>Biological Indicators for Sterilization灭菌用生物指示剂
205        <1041>Biologics生物制剂
206        <1043>Ancillary Materials for Cell, Gene, and Tissue-Engineered Products
207        <1044>Cryopreservation of Cells细胞低温保存
208        <1045>Biotechnology-Derived Articles生物技术提取产品
209        <1046>Cell and Tissue-Based Products细胞与组织产品
210        <1047>Gene Therapy Products 基因治疗产品
211        <1048>Quality of Biotechnological Products: Analysis of the Expression C**truct In Cells Used for Production of r-DNA Derived Protein Products
212        <1049> Quality of Biotechnological Products: Stability Biotechnological/Biological Products生物技术产品的质量:生物技术/生物产品的稳定性实验
213        <1050>Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products Derived from Cell Lines of Human or Animal Origin从人或动物细胞中提取中生物技术产品的病毒安全性评估
214        <1051>Cleaning Glass Apparatus玻璃容器的清洗
215        <1052>Biotechnology-Derived Article—Amino Acid Analysis生物技术提取法-氨基酸测定
216        <1053>Capillary Electrophoresis毛细管电泳法
217        <1054> Biotechnology-Derived Article—Isoelectric Focusing
218        <1055> Biotechnology-Derived Article—Peptide Mapping
219        <1056> Biotechnology-Derived Article—Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
生物技术提取法- 凝胶电泳
220        <1057> Biotechnology-Derived Article—Total Protein Assay
221        <1058>Analytical Instrument Qualification 分析仪器要求
222        <1059>Excipient Performance赋形剂
223        <1061>Color-Instrumental Measurement显色仪器测量
224        <1064>Identification of Articles of Botanical Origin by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Procedure通过高效薄层色谱法鉴别植物药品
225        <1065>Ion Chromatography 离子色谱法
226        <1066>Physical Environments That Promote Safe Medicati** Use物理环境促使安全使用药物
227        <1072>Disinfectants and Antiseptic消毒剂和防腐剂
228        <1074>Excipient Biological Safety Evaluation Guidelines赋形剂(辅料)生物安全性评估指导
229        <1078>Good Manufacturing Practices for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients
230        <1079>Good Storage and Shipping Practices良好的贮存与运输规范
231        <1080>Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients-Certificate of Analysis
232        <1084>Glycoprotein and Glycan Analysis-General C**iderati**糖蛋白和多肽分析-一般通则
233        <1086>Impurities in Drug Substance and Drug Products药物和药物产品中的杂质
234        <1087>Apparent Intrinsic Dissolution-Dissolution Testing Procedure for Rotating Disk and Stationary Disk内部的溶出度-旋转和静止的溶出度检测
235        <1088>In Vitro and Vivo Evaluation of Dosage Forms体内与体外的剂型评估
236        <1090>Assessment of Drug Product Performance-Bioavailability,  Bioequivalence and Dissolution药物产品性能评估-生物利用度、生物等效性和溶出度
237        <1091>Labeling of Inactive Ingredients非活性成分标示
238        <1092>The Dissolution Procedure: Development and Validation溶出程序:开发和验证
239        <1094>Capsules-Dissolution Testing and related Quality Attributes
240        <1097>Bulk Powder Sampling Procedures粉末样品取样程序
241        <1102>Immunological Test Methods-General C**iderati**免疫测试法-一般通则
242        <1103> Immunological Test Methods-Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA)
243        <1104> Immunological Test Methods-Immunoblot Analysis        免疫测试法-免疫印迹法
244        <1105> Immunological Test Methods-Surface Plasmon Resonance
245        <1106> Immunological Assays-Design and Validation of Immunoassays to Detect Anti-Drug Antibodies免疫测试法-设计和验证分析免疫禁毒抗体
246        <1106.1> Immunological Assays-Design and Validation of Assays to Detect Anti-Drug Neutralizing Antibody免疫测试法-分析设计和验证检测禁毒中和抗体
247        <1111>Microbiological Attributes of N**terile Products: Acceptance Criteria for Pharmaceutical Preparati** and Substances for Pharmaceutical Use
248        <1112>Application of Water Activity Determination to  N**terile Pharmaceutical Products非无菌药物产品水活性测定应用
249        <1113>Microbial Characterization, Identification, and Strain Typing
250        <1115>Bioburden Control of  N**terile Drug Substance anfd Products
251        <1116>Microbiological Control and Monitoring of Aseptic Processing Environments
251        <1117> Microbiological Best Laboratory Practices微生物最优的实验室规范
253        <1118>Monitoring devices-Time, Temperature, and Humidity监控装置—时间、温度和湿度
254        <1119>Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 近红外风光光度测定法
255        <1120>Raman Spectroscopy 拉曼风光光度法测定法
256        <1221>Nomenclatures命名
257        <1225>Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques-General核酸技术—通则
258        <1226> Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques-Extraction, Detection, and Sequencing
259        <1127> Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques-Amplification核酸技术-扩增
260        <1128> Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques-Microarray核酸技术-微阵列
261        <1129> Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques-Genotyping核酸技术-基因分型
262        <1130> Nucleic Acid-Based Techniques-Approaches for Detecting Trace Nucleic Acids(Residual DNA Testing)核酸技术-探测微量核酸的应用(残留DNA测试)
263        <1132>Residual Host Cell Protein Measurement in Biopharmaceuticals
264        <1136>Packaging and Repackaging-Single-Unit Containers包装和再包装-单一容器
265        <1151> Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms药物剂型
266        <1152>Animal Drugs for Use in Animal Feeds兽药在动物饲料中的使用
267        <1160>Pharmaceutical Calculati** in Pharmacy Practices按处方混合的药物的计算
268        <1163> Quality Assurance in Pharmaceutical Compounding按处方混合的药物的质量保证
269        <1171>Phase-Solubility Analysis相溶解分析
270        <1174>Powder Flow粉末流动性
271        <1176>Prescription Balances and Volumetric Apparatus处方天平与容器量具
272        <1177>Good Packaging Practices良好的包装操作
273        <1178>Good Repackaging Practices良好的再包装操作
274        <1180>Human Plasma人血浆
275        <1181>Scanning Electron Microscopy扫描电子显微镜
276        <1184>Sensitization Testing致敏测试
277        <1191>Stability C**iderati** in Dispending Practice分装操作中稳定性考察
278        <1195>Significant Change Guide for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients
279        <1197>Good Distribution Practices for Bulk Pharmaceutical Excipients
280        <1207>Sterile Product Packaging-Integrity Evaluation无菌产品包装—完整性评估
281        <1208>Sterility Testing-Validation Isolator Systems无菌试验—隔离系统的验证
282        <1209>Sterilization-Chemical and Physicochemical In Integrators
283        <1211>Sterilization and Sterility Assurance of Compendial Articles
284        <1216>Tablet Friability片剂的脆碎度
285        <1217>Tablet Breaking Force片剂的断裂力
286        <1222>Terminally Sterilized Pharmaceutical Producys-Parametic Release
287        <1223>Validation of Alternative Microbiological Methods  
288        <1223.1> Validation of Alternative Methods to Antibiotic Microbial Assays
289        <1224>Transfer of Analytical Procedures分析方法转移
290        <1225>Validation of Compendial Procedures药典方法的验证
291        <1226> Verification of Compendial Procedures药典方法的确认
292        <1227>Validation of Microbial Recovery From Pharmacopeial Articles
293        <1229>Sterilization of Compendial Articles药典灭菌过程
294        <1229.1>Steam Sterilization by Direct Contact直接蒸汽灭菌
295        <1229.2>Moist Hest Sterilization of Aqueous Liquids水溶液的湿热灭菌
296        <1229.3>Monitoring of Bioburden生物负载监控
297        <1229.4>Sterilizing Filtration of Liquids溶液的无菌过滤器
298        <1229.6>Liquid-Phase Sterilization液态灭菌
299        <1229.7>Gaseous Sterilization        气态灭菌
300        <1229.8>Dry Heat Sterilization干热灭菌
301        <1229.10>Radiation Sterilization辐射灭菌
302        <1229.11>Vapor Phase Sterilization蒸汽相灭菌
303        <1230>Water for health Application血液透析过程用水
307        <1231>Water for Pharmaceutical Purposes制药用水
305        <1234> Vaccines for Human Use-Polysaccharide and Glycoconjugate Vaccines
306        <1235> Vaccines for Human Use-General C**iderati**人用疫苗-一般通则
307        <1237>Virology Test Methods病毒测试方法
308        <1238>Vaccines for Human Use-Bacterial Vaccines人用疫苗-细菌疫苗
309        <1240>Virus Testing of Human Plasma for Further Manufacture
310        <1241>Water-Solid Interacti** in Pharmaceutical Systems
311        <1251>Weighing on an Analytical Balance
312        <1265>Written Prescription Drug Information-Guidelines
313        <1285>Preparation of Biological Specimens for Histologic and Immunohistochemical Analysis组织和免疫组织化学分析准备的生物样品
314        <1285.1>Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining of Sectioned Tissue for Microscopic Examination
315        <1601>Products for Nebulization-Characterization Tests
316        <1644>Theory and Practice of Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Soluti**
317        <1660>Evaluation of the Inner Surface Durability of Glass Containers
318        <1661> Evaluation of Plastic Packaging Systems and Their Materials of C**truction with Respect to Their User Safety Impact
319        <1663>Assessment of Extractables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems
320                <1664>Assessment of Drug Product Leachables  Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems评估药物产品中可滤取的制药包装/交货系统
321        <1664.1>Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products 吸入口和鼻的药物产品
322        <1724>Semisolid Drug Products-Performance Tests半固态药物产品-性能测试
323        <1730>Plasma Spectrochemistry-Theory and Practice等离子光谱化学-理论和实践
324        <1735>X-Ray Fluorescene Spectrometry-Theory and PracticeX射线荧光光谱法-理论和实践
325        <1736>Applicati** of Mass Spectrometry质谱分析法的应用
326        <1761>Applicati** of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry核磁共振光谱的应用
327        <1771>Ophthalmic Products-Performance Tests眼用产品-性能测试
328        <1787>Measurement of Subvisible Particulate Matter Therapeutic Protein Injecti**
329        <1788>Methods for the Determination of Particulate Matter in Injecti** and Ophthalmic Soluti**注射剂和眼用溶液的不溶性微粒测定方法的选择
330        <1852>Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy-Theory and Practice原子吸收光谱法-理论和实践
331        <1853> Fluorescence Spectroscopy-Theory and Practice荧光光谱法-理论和实践
332        <1854> Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy-Theory and Practice中红外光谱法-理论和实践
333        <1857> Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy-Theory and Practice紫外可见光谱学-理论和实践
334        <1911>Rheometry电流测定
335        Dietary Supplements营养补充剂
336        <2021>Microbial Enumeration Tests-Nutritional and Dietary Supplements
337        <2022>Microbiological Procedures for Absence Microorganisms-Nutritional and Dietary Supplements不得检出特定微生物的程序—营养与营养补充剂
338        <2023>Microbiological Attributes of N**terile Nutritional Supplements
339        <2030>Supplemental Information for Articles of Botanical Origin植物药品的增补信息
340        <2040>Disintegration and Dissolution of Dietary Supplements食品添加剂的崩解与溶出
341        <2091>Weight Variation of Dietary Supplements食品添加剂的重量差异
342        <2232>Elemental Con**inants in Dietary Supplements膳食补充剂中的元素污染物
343        <2250>Detection of Irradiated Dietary Supplements检测被辐射的膳食补充剂
344        <2750>Manufacturing Practiced for Dietary Supplements食品添加剂的生产操作

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