标题: (1092)溶出度试验的开发和验证【中英文对照版】全 [打印本页]
作者: hexiao 时间: 2016-1-15 06:28 PM
标题: (1092)溶出度试验的开发和验证【中英文对照版】全
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作者: zzt2414 时间: 2016-1-15 06:59 PM
作者: yun 时间: 2016-1-15 07:06 PM
作者: hexiao 时间: 2016-1-15 07:12 PM
9 O3 P; V H% S/ X! }内容更新了哦,支持一下
作者: hexiao 时间: 2016-1-15 07:13 PM
$ {3 I7 b" p7 ]9 Y内容已经更新,请查收
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谢谢分享 楼主辛苦了 学习学习
作者: 李喜英 时间: 2016-1-16 08:03 AM
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为何都 要花钱啊,穷
作者: hejie1978 时间: 2016-1-16 09:07 AM
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作者: birdgun 时间: 2016-1-16 11:48 AM
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好资料 谢谢分享![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
作者: wangl 时间: 2016-1-16 02:01 PM
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谢谢楼主分享$ d3 h7 n% g; @8 x
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4 q4 A N# U/ V8 B原创 2016-01-22 红袖添香 医药信息新药开发
3.1 Sample Processing
3.1 样品处理
3.2 Filters
3.2 过滤
3.3 Centrifugation
3.3 离心
3.4 Analytical Procedure
3.4 分析方法
3.5 Spectrophotometric Analysis
3.5 光谱分析
3.6 HPLC
4.1 Medium Preparation
4.2 Sample Introduction and Timing
4.3 Sampling and Filtration
4.4 Cleaning
4.4 清洗
4.5 Operating Software and Computation of Results
3. 完成分析
Thedissolution step has been described as an involved sample preparation. Thesample handling and analytical procedure that are used to determine the amountof drug substance dissolved during the dissolution procedure are termed the“analytical finish.” Although spectrophotometric determinations and HPLC areused most commonly and are discussed in this chapter, any suitable analyticaltechnology may be used. Section 5. Validation describes criteria for themethods.
3.1 Sample Processing
3.1 样品处理
After thesamples are withdrawn from the dissolution medium, they may require additionalprocessing to make them suitable for the analytical methodology used todetermine the amount released. For example, filtration may be used to removeundissolved particulate matter, or samples may need to be protected fromexposure to light or may need refrigerated storage.In addition, samples mayhave to be diluted to a level that is within the linear range of the method.With analysis by HPLC, dilution of the sample with mobile phase may benecessary to reduce the effect on the separation of injecting dissolutionmedium. Other types of treatment may be necessary depending on the productformulation, such as the inactivation or elimination of interference caused bycomponents of the formulation by the addition of appropriate reagents. However,separation may not be possible or needed in all cases. In some cases, in situmeasurements obtained with methods such as fiber optics or electrochemicaldetermination may be useful.
3.2 Filters
3.2 过滤
The topic of filtration is discussed in section 1.1 Performing FilterCompatibility.
3.3 Centrifugation
3.3 离心
Centrifugation of samples isnot preferred, for several reasons: dissolution can continue to occur until thesolids are removed, a concentration gradient may form in the supernatant, andenergy imparted may lead to increased dissolution of the drug substanceparticles. Possible exceptions, when centrifugation could be preferred, mightinclude the use with compounds that adsorb onto all common filters, orsituations when the potential filter leachables and extractables might interferein the quanti tative step of the dissolution test (e.g., when fluorescenceprocedures are used in quantitation). Centrifugation may prove useful duringmethod development for evaluating the suitability of the filter material.
3.4 Analytical Procedure
3.4 分析方法
The usualassay for a dissolution sample employs either a spectrophotometric procedure ora liquid chromatographic procedure.Spectrophotometric determination may bedirect or may provide the detection for HPLC. Spectrophotometric determinationis used often because results can be obtained faster, the analysis is simpler,it is easier to automate, and fewer solvents are needed. The use of directspectrophotometric determination typically requires confirmation ofspecificity. HPLC is preferred for a number of reasons such as providing a widedynamic range that reduces the need to dilute some samples while also providingsensitivity in the analysis of dilute samples, and greater selectivity whenexcipients or multiple drugs in the formulation present a significantinterference. Modern HPLC systems employ autosamplers that provide speed andsimplicity advantages comparable to spectrophotometric analysis.
3.5 Spectrophotometric Analysis
3.5 光谱分析
Directspectrophotometric analysis may be performed on samples that are manuallyintroduced to the cuvette. Alternatively, samples may be automaticallyintroduced into the spectrophotometer using autosippers and flow cells. Routineperformance checks, cleaning, and maintenance, as described in the standardoperating procedures or metrology documents, help to ensure reliable operationof these instruments. Cells with path lengths ranging from 0.02 cm to 1 cm aretypically used, and longer path-length cuvettes can be used to increase therange for quantification of dilute samples. Cell alignment and air bubblescould be sources of error. The shorter path-length cells are used to avoiddiluting the sample; in all cases, however, acceptable linearity and standarderror need to be demonstrated.
The choice of wavelength forthe determination should be based on the spectrum of the drug in solution. Insome cases,where the drug substance can degrade in the dissolution medium(e.g., dosage forms containing aspirin), it is useful to carry out themeasurements at the isosbestic point. Excipients can also have effects, butperforming analysis at multiple wavelengths can minimize their effects. Thecontribution of the absorbance from an excipient at the analytical wavelengthcan sometimes be determined by ratio from its absorbance at a wavelength wherethe absorbance of the drug substance is minimal.
Using a validated analyticalfinish, standard solutions are typically prepared in dissolution media andanalyzed at just one concentration, either at 100% of the dosage strength orthe selected Q value because linearity of the analytical finish has beenestablished. Prior to validation, dissolution profile analysis, or analysis ofproducts of various strengths, requires using multiple standard solutionscovering the expected range of concentration. A typical media blank, standard,and sample may be analyzed in a sequence that brackets the sample withstandards and blanks, especially at the beginning and end of the analysis.Thestandard and sample solutions should both be prepared in the dissolution mediumin the linear concentration range and measured at the same wavelength. However,small amounts of an organic solvent may be used in the preparation of thestandard, provided that the accuracy criteria can be met during validation.
The absorptivity is calculated by dividing the mean standard absorbance bythe concentration, in mg/mL, divided by the cell path length in cm. Arearrangement of the Beer-Lambert expression gives the absorptivity, a,as:
Typical units for absorptivitythat are used for dissolution testing are in terms of AU · mL/mg, where AU isabsorbance unit.Historical data may be used to provide an acceptableabsorptivity range for the analyte (using the appropriate path-length cell).This value may be useful in troubleshooting aberrant data.Fiber optics as asampling and determinative method, with proper validation, are an option.
用于溶出试验吸光度的单位通常为AU• mL/mg,其中AU是吸收度单位,历史的资料可用来提供分析物的可接受吸光度范围(使用适当光程的样品池)。这个值在故障排除异常数据时非常有用。光导纤维作为取样和测定的方法,经过适当的验证,也可以是一种选择。
3.6 HPLC
3.6 HPLC法
For HPLCanalysis, the effect on the chromatogram of peaks resulting from injection ofdissolution media require enumeration. A large solvent disturbance may affectaccuracy and precision of response if it is poorly resolved from the peak ofinterest. This is even more important if large injector volumes (>100 mL)are needed. System suitability tests may evaluate peak shape; separation of themain peak from solvent disturbance and from closely eluting peaks; andinjection precision. At a minimum,the precision is critical.
Ideally, the standardsolutions should be diluted with the dissolution media at a concentrationwithin the linear range of the method, e.g., 100%, or the selected Q value ofthe dosage strength. However, organic solvent may be used in the preparation ofthe standard, provided that the accuracy criteria can be met during validation.In some cases, the sample may be diluted with mobile phase to improve the peakshape. The standard and sample solutions should both be prepared in the linearconcentration range and measured at the same wavelength.
r3 e- I0 F4 _: p4 b
原创 2016-01-29 红袖添香 医药信息新药开发
5.1 Specificity/Placebo Interference
5.2 Linearity and Range
5.3 Accuracy/Recovery
5.4 Precision
5.5 Robustness
5.6 Stability of Standard and Sample Solutions
5.7 Considerations for Automation
6.1 Immediate-Release Dosage Forms
6.2 Delayed-Release Dosage Forms
6.3 Extended-Release Dosage Forms
6.4 Multiple Dissolution Tests
6.5 Interpretation of Dissolution Results
Thevalidation topics described in this section are typical but not all-inclusiveand can be viewed in the context of Validation of Compendial Procedures <1225>,as well as the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) document, Validationof Analytical Procedures (18). Validation for both parts of the dissolutionprocedure, the analytical finish and the dissolution step, will bediscussed in this section. The dissolution step is the release of the drug inthe dissolution medium and sampling. The analytical finish is defined insection 3. Analytical Finish. Validation of the analytical finish willevaluate the attributes, linearity and range, precision, specificity,accuracy/recovery, robustness, and stability of the sample and standardsolutions. Validation of the dissolution step will include evaluation ofprecision and robustness of the dissolution sample preparation. Validation ofthe analytical finish is performed either using a standard solution orspiked placebo or by the method of standard addition (spiked drugproduct as described in Accuracy in <1225>), as specified in thesections below. Validation of the dissolution step requires the use of awell-characterized dosage form (e.g., having tight content uniformity anduniform performance). Depending on the parameter of interest, validationof the sample handling and analytical procedure can be performed in situ, e.g.,within the dissolution vessel. The validation parameters addressed andthe extent of the validation may vary, depending on the phase of developmentor the intended use for the data.
The acceptance criteria are presented as guidelinesonly, and may differ for some products. Manufacturers should document theappropriate acceptance criteria for their products in pertinent StandardOperating Procedures (SOPs) or in validation protocols.Other considerations maybe important for special dosage forms. Validation studies should be performedacross the range of profile time points. For products containing more than asingle active ingredient, the dissolution procedure needs to
be validatedfor each active ingredient. It is expected that investigations into filtersuitability and the potential for glass adsorption will have been undertakenalready (see 1.1 Performing Filter Compatibility). Validation of theseassessments may occur during spiked recovery experiments.
5.1 Specificity/PlaceboInterference
It isnecessary to demonstrate that the results are not unduly affected by placeboconstituents, other active drugs, or degradants. The placebo consists of allthe excipients and coatings, with inks and capsule shells included ifappropriate, without the active ingredient. Placebo interference can beevaluated by using a spiked placebo that is prepared by weighing samples of theplacebo blend, dissolving or dispersing them in dissolution medium atconcentrations that would be encountered during testing, and adding a knownamount of the drug in solution. It may be preferable to perform this experimentat 37°, comparing the solution to a standard solution at the concentrationexpected to be encountered during testing, by using the formula:
Result = (AP/AS) × CS × (V/L) × 100
AP =absorbance of the placebo
AS =absorbance of the standard
CS =concentration of the standard (mg/mL)
V =volume of the medium (mL)
L =label claim (mg)
结果= (AP/AS)×Cs×(V/L) ×100
Theinterference should not exceed 2%. Note that for extended-release products, aplacebo version of the finished dosage form may be more appropriate than blendsbecause this placebo formulation will release the various excipients in amanner more nearly reflecting the product than will a simple blend of theexcipients. In this case, it may be appropriate to evaluate potentialinterference at multiple sampling points in the release profile, withworst-case interference expected at the later sampling points.
The blank is the dissolution medium withoutdissolved sample, and it is treated in the same manner as the sample. Theeffect of the absorbance of the blank at the analytical wavelength should beevaluated. In most cases, the absorbance of the dissolution medium blank maynot exceed 1% of the standard solution at the concentration used for analysis.Values >1% should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
If the placebo interference exceeds 2%, modificationof the method may be necessary. Possible modifications include choosing anotherwavelength, subtracting baseline using a longer wavelength, transformingabsorbance values (e.g., first derivative),and using an alternative analyticaltechnique such as HPLC. Other means for minimizing the placebo interferencewould be acceptable with appropriate justification. When other active drugsubstances or significant levels of degradants are present,it is necessary toshow that these do not significantly affect the results. One procedure fordoing this is to measure the matrix in the presence and absence of the otheractive drug substance or degradant: any interference should not exceed 2%.Similar approaches may be used if other techniques are used for the analyticalfinish.
5.2 Linearity and Range
Linearity istypically established by preparing solutions of the drug substance, ranging in concentrationfrom less than the lowest expected concentration to more than the highestconcentration during release. The solutions may be prepared either using eithera standard solution or spiked solution or by the method of standard addition. Aminimum of five concentrations is normally used (see <1225>). Typically,solutions are made from a common stock if possible. The concentration range maynot exceed the linearity limits of the method, including the instrumentation.Organic solvents may be used to enhance drug solubility for the preparation ofthe linearity standard solutions. However, no more than 5% (v/v) of organicsolvent should be present in the final solution unless validated. Linearity istypically calculated by using an appropriate least-squares regression program.Typically, a square of the correlation coefficient (r2 ³0.98) demonstrates linearity. In addition, the y-intercept must not beimportantly different from zero.
The range ofthe procedure is the interval between the upper and lower concentrations of thedrug substance (including these levels) that has been demonstrated to have asuitable level of precision, accuracy, and linearity using the procedure aswritten.
5.3 Accuracy/Recovery
Accuracy/recoveryis typically established by preparing multiple samples containing the drugsubstance and any other constituents present in the dosage form (e.g.,excipients, coating materials, capsule shell) ranging in concentration fromless than the lowest expected concentration to more than the highestconcentration during release. Accuracy/recovery may be done in conjunction withlinearity determination. The method of standard addition can also be used.Before this activity, it is expected that filter assessment will already havebeen performed, and adsorption of drug onto the glass has also beeninvestigated and ruled out.
Individual solutions may be directly prepared inthe dissolution medium. Alternatively, to enhance drug solubility it may beappropriate to prepare a stock solution by dissolving the drug substance in asmall amount of organic solvent (typically not exceeding 5% organic solvent inthe final dissolution media) and diluting to the final concentration withdissolution medium.An amount of stock solution equivalent to the targeted labelclaim may be used instead of the drug substance powder. Similarly,for very lowstrengths, it may be more appropriate to prepare a stock solution than toattempt to weigh very small amounts.
The measured recovery is typically 95%–105% of theamount added. Bracketing or matrixing of multiple strengths may be useful. Aspecial case for validation is the Acid Stage procedure described in <711>,Delayed-Release Dosage Forms. The limit of NMT 10% needs to be validated.Recovery experiments for drugs that have low solubility in acidic media may bechallenging or impossible to perform and may need to be addressed on a case-by-casebasis. If the compound degrades in acid, the validation experiment must addressthis fact.
5.4 Precision
Forthe analytical finish, repeatability is evaluated by obtaining replicatemeasurements of standard and/or spiked placebo/standard addition solutions. Itcan be determined by calculating the RSD of the multiple injections orspectrophotometric readings for each standard solution, or by using theaccuracy or linearity data. ICH guidance, Validation of AnalyticalProcedures: Methodology, recommends that repeatability should beassessed using a minimum of nine determinations covering the specified rangefor the procedure (i.e., three concentrations and three replicates of eachconcentration) or using a minimum of six determinations at 100% of the testconcentration. A typical acceptance criterion is an RSD of <2%. Thedemonstration of the repeatability for the dissolution step is conducted byperforming the dissolution step on separate units of a well-characterized dosageform or equivalent composite.
对于分析方法,通过获得标准和/或加入安慰剂/标准加入溶液的重复测定结果对重复性进行评估,通过多次进样或者每个标准溶液分光光度计读数或者使用精密度或者线性数据来计算RSD值, ICH指导原则,分析方法的验证:方法,推荐重复性测定用覆盖特定分析范围的九个确定浓度点(三个浓度点,每个浓度点重复制备三份样品)或在100%测试浓度点至少制备6份样品溶液进行测试,通常可接受的标准:RSD<2%。通过采用质量好的制剂或与制剂相等组成(原料+辅料)进行溶出步骤的独立单元的重复性证明。
Assuming thatthe major contributor to the variance is from the dissolution step,intermediate precision may be evaluated to determine the effects of randomevents on the precision of the dissolution procedure. This evaluation istypically done later in the development of the drug product and is required forfull method validation. For many analytical procedures intermediate precisionis typically assessed by determination of contributions to variance and,possibly, by a comparison of means. The use of an experimental matrix design isencouraged for evaluation of intermediate precision because interaction effectsmay be observed more clearly relative to a single variable experiment. Indissolution testing, a ruggedness approach that compares means alone is oftentaken to investigate the factors that contribute to intermediate precision. Theruggedness can be evaluated across the range of product strengths. Typicalvariations to be studied include different days, analysts, and equipment. If possible,ruggedness can be evaluated using a drug product lot if well characterized, forexample, by having tight content uniformity and uniform performance, but ifthis type of lot is not available, a premeasured placebo with activeingredients may be used to investigate the intermediate precision. The use ofsuch a spiked placebo would additionally support the assessment of thecontribution of the analytical finish to the observed variability of results.
Thedissolution procedure on the same lot of well-characterized dosage form may berun by at least two different analysts from the same laboratory, with eachanalyst preparing the standard solutions and the medium and following thedefined extraction/quantification procedure. Typically, the analysts usedifferent dissolution baths, spectrophotometers or HPLC equipment (includingcolumns), and autosamplers, and they perform the test on different days. Fullprofiles are assessed where relevant to the product. This procedure may not benecessary at each strength; instead, bracketing with high and low strengths maybe acceptable.
Acceptancecriteria for intermediate precision or for ruggedness are predetermined. Atypical acceptance criterion for ruggedness is that the difference in the meanvalue for dissolution results between any two conditions, using the samestrength,does not exceed an absolute 10% at time points with <85% dissolvedand does not exceed 5% for time points >85%. Acceptance criteria may beproduct specific, and other statistical tests and limits may be used.
Reproducibilityfollows the general concepts of intermediate precision, but is performed by twodifferent analysts at different labs.
5.5 Robustness
Evaluation ofrobustness, which assesses the effect of making small, deliberate changes tothe dissolution conditions, typically is done later in development of the drugproduct and is a requirement for full method validation. It is performed usinga well-characterized lot of drug product, for example having tight contentuniformity and uniform performance. The number of
replicates(typically 3 or 6) is dependent on the intermediate precision. All profilepoints should be evaluated.
Selection ofparameters to be varied depends on the dissolution procedure and analysis type.The parameters may include medium composition (e.g., buffer or surfactantconcentration, pH, deaeration), volume, agitation rate, sampling time, and temperature.Statistical analysis of the data generated will help determine the extent towhich the parameters must be controlled in the method. The robustnessassessment is well suited to Design of Experiments (DoE) methodologies toefficiently investigate the impact of the individual parameters and/or theirinteraction
Robustness of analytical finish is referenced in <1225>.HPLC analysis parameters may include mobile phase composition (percentageorganic, buffer concentration, pH), flow rate, wavelength, column temperature,and multiple columns (of the same type). For spectrophotometric analysis, thewavelength may be varied.
5.6 Stability of Standard andSample Solutions
The standardsolution is stored under conditions that ensure stability. The stability of thestandard solution is analyzed over a specified period of time (for at least thetime of the entire dissolution procedure), using a freshly prepared standardsolution at each time interval for comparison. The acceptable range forstandard solution stability is influenced by the concentration and is typicallybetween 98% and 102% at the expected final concentration.
The sample solution is typically stored at roomtemperature. The sample is analyzed over a specified period of time, using theoriginal sample solution response for comparison. The typical acceptable rangefor sample solution stability may be between 98% and 102%, compared with theinitial analysis of the sample solutions. If the solution is not stable,aspects to consider include temperature (refrigeration may be needed), lightprotection, and container material (plastic or glass).
The proceduremay state that the standards and samples need to be analyzed within a timeperiod demonstrating acceptable standard and sample solution stability.
$ @3 M" P* }0 M原创 2016-01-29 红袖添香 医药信息新药开发
5.7 Considerations forAutomation
Automated methods offer opportunitiesfor increased precision and reproducibility; however, bias may be introduced.In particular, the sampling probe and the sample lines warrant attention asplaces where inaccuracies may occur. Deviations from the procedure described in<711>, such as resident sampling probes, sampling through the stirringelement shaft (hollow-shaft sampling), or fiber-optic probes, should bevalidated. Other aspects of automation validation may include carryover ofresidual drug, effect of an in-residence probe, adsorption of drug, andcleaning and/or rinse cycles. Validation is performed using the automateddissolution system including materials. Therefore, any change in materials willrequire demonstration of suitability based on the validation attributes thatare impacted by the change.
Manual andautomated procedures should be compared to evaluate the interchangeability ofthe procedures. This is done by performing two automated runs at each dosageconcentration, using all sampling points, compared to manually sampled runs ofthe same samples. The effect of the in-resident probe cannot be determined bysampling both ways from the same vessel. Results should be consistent with therequirements for intermediate precision if the procedures are to be considered interchangeable.The difference in the mean value for dissolution results between any twoconditions using the same strength should not exceed an absolute 10% at timepoints with <85% dissolved nor exceed 5% for time points >85%. Acceptancecriteria may be product specific, and other statistical tests and limits may beused.
Revalidationmay be necessary when the automated system is used with different formulationsbecause of the interaction with excipients. Dissolution media containingsurfactants or lipids may require additional validation efforts.
The acceptance criteria should be consistent withhistorical release or stability data. There is an expectation that acceptable batcheswill have results that fall within the acceptance criteria and that allmanufactured batches should have similar dissolution behavior, thushighlighting the importance of having a method that is not highly variable. Theacceptance criteria and time point(s), therefore, should discriminate betweenan acceptable and an unacceptable batch. In addition, the dissolution testresults are viewed as a link to the pivotal clinical trial batches. Whenchanges in dissolution rate have been shown to affect bioavailabilitysignificantly, the dissolution test and acceptance criterion should distinguishbatches with unacceptable bioavailability (19). Likewise, when changesin the formulation and manufacturing process significantly affect dissolutionand such changes are not controlled by another aspect of the specification, thedissolution test and criteria should distinguish these changes.
6.1 Immediate-Release DosageForms
Although release and stability data are collectedduring dosage form development, it is common to record the entire dissolution profileor the amount of drug dissolved at specified intervals, such as 10, 20, 30, 40,50, and 60 min or 15, 30, 45, and 60 min. At registration, dissolution for animmediate-release tablet usually becomes a single-point test. The acceptancecriterion and test time are established by evaluating the dissolution profiledata. The acceptance criterion for a dissolution test is a function of Q,which is expressed as a percentage of label claim of drug dissolved at aspecified time. Typical Q values are in the range of 75%–80% dissolved. Qvalues in excess of 80% are not generally used because allowance needs tobe made for assay and content uniformity ranges.
6.2 Delayed-Release DosageForms
The discussion about dissolution of delayed-releasedosage forms in <711> focuses on enteric-coated dosage forms, which is themost common delayed-release dosage form. A dissolution test for adelayed-release tablet or capsule is a two-part test, and each part hasacceptance criteria. First, the dosage forms are exposed to an acid medium,followed by exposure to a buffer medium. To ensure that the enteric coatingperforms properly, a “NMT” acceptance criterion is indicated in <711> forthe acid stage. The medium used for an acid stage is usually 0.1 N HCl, and theduration of this stage is typically 2 h. The dosage forms are then exposed to abuffer medium, usually 0.05 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.8, but other buffers andpH targets may be used if justified. The duration of the buffer stage isusually 45 min for compendial tests, but this duration may vary, depending onthe drug product. As with immediate-release dosage forms, a Q value andtime point are determined by evaluating the entire dissolution profile.
6.3 Extended-Release DosageForms
A dissolution test for an extended-release dosageform is generally similar to that used for an immediate- or delayed-release drugproduct, except that the duration of the test is longer, and at least threetime points are specified for pharmacopeial purposes (20). Additionalsampling times may be required for drug approval purposes. An early time point,usually 1–2 h, is chosen to show that dose dumping is not probable. Anintermediate time point is chosen to define the in vitro release profile of thedosage form, and a final time point is chosen to show essentially completerelease of the drug (20). The time points for the test should bedetermined by evaluating the dissolution profile across the desired testduration. Often, additional time points are obtained during dosage formdevelopment to aid with selecting the appropriate time points for thespecification or monograph.
As with an immediate- or delayed-release drugproduct, the acceptance criteria and time points for an extended-release drugproduct should discriminate between an acceptable and an unacceptable batch.The acceptance criteria for the first stage of testing (L1) should beestablished on the basis of available batch data (19,20). If humanbioavailability data are available for formulations exhibiting differentrelease rates, then an in vitro/in vivo relationship may be used to establishacceptance criteria (19,20). Acceptance criteria for the second (L2) andthird (L3) stages are derived from the L1 criteria using Acceptance Table2 in <711>.
6.4 Multiple Dissolution Tests
Typically, monographs for extended-release dosageforms contain multiple dissolution tests representing specific products.Inaccordance with General Notices and Requirements 4.10.10, theappropriate test, if not Test 1, is indicated on the product labeling.For example, the USP monograph for Oxycodone HydrochlorideExtended-Release Tablets (21) lists two dissolution tests, each of whichhas either three or four time points. If the Tablets are analyzed using Test2 and the dissolution results comply with the criteria provided in themonograph, the labeling for Tablets can indicate that the Tablets meet USP DissolutionTest 2.Multiple dissolution tests also can be found in monographs forimmediate- and delayed-release dosage forms. For example,the USP monographsfor Levothyroxine Sodium Tablets and Pantoprazole SodiumDelayed-Release Tablets provide four dissolution tests (22,23).
6.5 Interpretation ofDissolution Results
The Interpretationsection of <711> discusses immediate-, delayed-, and extended-releasedosage forms. The discussion for each of these release patterns is expandedhere with examples to assist with applying the criteria during the variousstages of testing. Understanding how these criteria are applied will assist insetting appropriate acceptance criteria.
Once the Qvalue is established, the dissolution test is a staged test of threelevels. In the first level of testing called S1, six dosage forms are tested.Each dosage form must be Q + 5% (absolute percentage points) dissolvedat a specified time. For example, the time and tolerances in a monograph wouldbe:
Time: 30 min
Tolerances:NLT 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of “drug substance” is dissolved.
一旦Q值确定,溶出试验在测试阶段需要三个浓度水平。在测试的第一个浓度水平被称为S1,用6片进行测试。每种剂型在指定时间点溶出度必须是Q +5%(绝对百分点)。例如,在正文中提到的时间和允许偏差分别为:
If the Q valuefor a 200-mg label claim (LC) immediate-release tablet is specified as 80% andthe time point is 30 min, then NLT 85% LC (170 mg) of the drug substance ineach tablet must be dissolved at 30 min.
If thiscriterion is not met, then 6 additional tablets are tested at level 2 (S2).To pass the S2 acceptance criteria, the average of all 12 tabletsmust be equal to or greater than Q (80% LC; 160 mg in the aboveexample), and no tablet has less than Q –15% (65% LC; 130 mg in theabove example).
如果不能满足这个标准,那么在浓度2(S2)用另外6片进行测试。12片的平均值必须等于或大于Q值(标示量的80%,在上面的例子中160mg),没有片子少于Q-15%(标示量的 80%,在上面的例子中130mg),表明通过S2的可接受标准。
If thesecriteria are not met, then level 3 or S3 testing must be performed by testing12 additional tablets. To pass S3, the average of all 24 tablets must be equalto or greater than Q (80% LC; 160 mg in the above example). Twoadditional criteria must be met as well: 1) no more than 2 tablets are lessthan Q – 15% (65% LC; 130 mg in the above example), and 2) no tablet isless than Q – 25% dissolved (55% LC; 110 mg in the above example.)
An aliquot of the acid medium from each vessel isanalyzed at the end of the acid stage. For the acid stage, the acceptance criteriahave three levels. Level 1 (A1) testing is passed if no individual valueexceeds 10% dissolved. If the A1 criteria are not met, then the dissolutiontest is performed on 6 additional dosage forms for level 2 (A2) testing. LevelA2 criteria are passed if the average of all 12 dosage forms in the acid stageis NMT 10% dissolved and if no individual dosage form is more than 25% dissolved.Level 3 testing is performed if the A2 criteria are not met. The A3 criteriaare passed if the average of all 24 dosage forms in the acid stage is NMT 10%dissolved and if no individual tablet is more than 25% dissolved. For thespecial case in which the solubility of the drug in an acidic medium because ofconversion to the free acid is too low to support an acceptance criterion ofnot more than 10% the drug product should be exposed to the acid stage for thedefined duration and then exposed to the buffered medium. Alternate acceptancecriteria for the acid stage based on drug solubility may be justified.
在酸性阶段结束时分析每个溶出杯中的酸性介质。酸阶段,可接受标准有三个浓度。如果溶出度单个值没超过10% ,浓度1(A1)测试通过。如果不能满足A1标准,则在溶出试验用另外6个片剂型在浓度别2(A2)中进行测试。如果通过A2标准,所有12个剂型在酸性阶段的溶出度平均值不超过10%,如果每片溶出度不超过25%。在特殊情况下,该药物在酸性介质中因转化为游离酸,溶解度太低,不符合质量标准中不超过10%的制剂应该暴露在酸性阶段持续释放然后暴漏在缓冲介质中。在酸性阶段根据药物溶解度制定的可选择标准是合理的。
For delayed-releasedosage forms, the total percentage dissolved is determined by adding themeasured amounts in the acid and buffer phases for each individual dosage form.These calculated values are then compared to staged acceptance criteria (B1,B2, and B3) that are based on a Q value. The B1, B2, and B3 criteria areidentical to those for the immediate release S1, S2,and S3 criteria.
In the following hypothetical example, which isused to describe the criteria for a extended-release dosage form, the time pointsare 1, 4, and 8 h. The acceptance range for each time point is as follows:
• Between 24%and 44% LC drug substance dissolved at 1 h
• Between 56%and 76% LC drug substance dissolved at 4 h
• NLT 85% LCdrug substance dissolved at 8 h.
Acceptanceranges are often expressed in tabular form in the USP–NF (see Table 3):
· 在1小时间主药溶出度介于标示量的24%和44%
· 在4小时主药溶出度介于标示量的56%和76%
· 在8小时主药溶出度不小于85%。
Six tablets are analyzed at Level 1 (L1);acceptance criteria are met if no individual value lies outside each of thestated ranges,and no individual value is less than the percentage specified forthe final time point. If the L1 criteria are not met, then 6 additional tabletsare analyzed at level 2 (L2). The L2 criteria are met if these three conditionsare met:
1. Theaverage value of the 12 tablets lies within each of the stated ranges and isNLT the stated range of the final time point.
2. None ofthe 12 tablets is >10% of the labeled content outside each of the statedranges.
3. None ofthe 12 tablets is >10% of the labeled content below the stated amount at thefinal test time.
For the above example, the L2 acceptance criteriafor the 12 tablets (see Table 4) are as follows:
3. 12片中没有一片大于标示含量10%,且低于最终测试时间点规定值。
0 f4 L2 t( ^8 C. m( ?' Z: I3 Q上述例子中12片L2验收标准列于表4:
If the L2criteria are not met, then 12 additional tablets are tested at level 3 (L3).The L3 criteria are met if these five conditions are met:
1. Theaverage value of the 24 tablets lies within each of the stated ranges and isNLT the stated range of the final time
2. NMT 2 ofthe 24 tablets are >10% of labeled content outside each of the statedranges.
3. NMT 2 ofthe 24 tablets are >10% of the labeled content below the stated amount atthe final test time.
4. None ofthe 24 tablets is >20% of the labeled content outside each of the statedranges.
5. None ofthe 24 tablets is >20% of the labeled content below the stated amount at thefinal test time.
The L3acceptance criteria for the 24 tablets in the above example are summarized in Table5:
5、24片中没有1片标示含量> 20%,且低于最终测试时间点规定值。
表 5.L3标准
| 1h | | |
| 在14%-54%范围之外不超过2片,任何一片都在4%-64%的范围之内 | 在46%-86%的范围之外不超过2片,任一片都在:36%-96%的范围之内 | 释放度<75%不超过2片,每一片的释放度都不超过65% |
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标题: RE: (1092)溶出度试验的开发和验证【中英文对照版】全
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5 F# r( P. L* `3 b5 k+ i# n
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作者: cpumary 时间: 2017-1-13 11:23 AM
thanks for sharing
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作者: fangbuke 时间: 2017-2-17 05:51 PM
溶出方法开发与验证 很难做 谢谢分享
作者: amylx 时间: 2017-2-22 10:05 AM
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谢谢分享,学习学习& j8 B& N; S0 o5 }3 U
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, O8 B5 @- U: L" t谢谢分享,谢谢
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