% V: o6 k7 B1 |& J" A: c6 xSTART试验(III期)入组了1513例放化疗后疾病无进展的III期非小细胞肺癌患者,按2:1分成L-BLP25组、安慰剂组,总生存期分别为25.6个月、22.3个月(HR=0.88, p=0.123)。回顾分析发现,对于同时放化疗的患者,L-BLP25组、安慰剂组总生存期分别为30.8个月、20.6个月(HR=0.78, p=0.016);对于先后放化疗的患者,L-BLP25组、安慰剂组总生存期分别为19.4个月、24.6个月(HR=1.12, p=0.38),Oncothyreon决定继续研究。; ~" v8 e1 v2 R# r
; i# ~9 L8 B) X+ b K& [
曾经有一位ID为shirimx 的网友询问L-BLP25怎么样,分析是“虽然总生存期上有显著差异,但54个月时的总生存率是没什么差异的。”笔者今天收集资料时发现国外也有学者注意到了这点,Dr.West在题为“The Ups and Downs of the START Trial with Stimuvax Immunotherapy”的文章中写道:2 I2 E' E9 S( e: o
+ `) A* q1 ]) w6 q3 B9 ?- O6 K2 FWhen you look at the survival curves in the lower figure,you can appreciate that the curves just happen to separate hugely in the middle,then converge by 4 years out. Unfortunately, this means that Stimuvax isn't curing patients,which is what we really hoped might happen. Instead,a subset of patients may be doing better for a few months,but it's not converting more potentially curable patients from "not cured" to "cured". $ h/ |5 Z9 p1 K) u8 A b/ k2 h( i; W( @& N5 f
总的来说癌症疫苗是目前研发风险最大的领域,基本是谁碰谁死,虽然FDA批准了Sipuleucel-T用于前列腺癌,但这个药的机制可能不是原来的设想的疫苗,而是混在药物中的免疫调节剂GM-CSF。目前失败的癌症疫苗已经有很多个,大多数败在III期临床,谁会成功呢?) [9 Y/ l/ O; p) {+ E/ g